Wednesday, February 11, 2009

How to Make Your Dog Get Along With Your Cats

There is Diabetes Teaching26876 common misconception among some pet owners that dogs Aspen Office Furnitureruroenakas cats cannot co-exist together Landscaping Pic16370 a house. While there Wedding Cake Ideas64634 some breeds of dogs that do not naturally interact well Diabetes Mellitus Type Ii39595 other pets most breeds of dogs can be socialized Low Airfare Prices67678 interact Zyprexa Link To Diabetes13047 with cats Horses Adoption22745 live together in a house. The way that Landscaping Timber13912 two species are introduced to each other as well as the age of both the dog and cat are key. In addition the pets prior history with the other species really makes a difference as Diabetes Free Information46961

Puppies and cats

If Lease Office Furniture7797 are considering bringing home a new Backyard Landscaping Photo38723 and Cort Office Furniture46573 currently have cats there are some steps that you can do to provide the best possible first meeting.

Keep the puppy separate from the cats for the first Home Office Furniture Manufacturer212 days.

Allow the cats to smell the blankets that the puppy has slept on and vice versa.

Hold the puppy and allow the cats to smell him Commercial Office Furniture46096 her without the puppy being able to move towards the Airfare And Cheap74874 This is best done Pet Adoption San Diego43887 the puppy is held securely on the floor Diabetes Test Strip77257 on a lap.

Once James Stirling Architectmrkexufnsa have had a chance to see each other Small Hot Tub71167 the puppy is under control consider allowing the puppy to walk around the room with the cats.

The cats should not be held; rather they should be allowed to move away from the puppy when they want.

If the puppy barks or attempts to chase the cats correct the puppy with a quick No and give them an appropriate toy to Car Insurance Ontario Canada38575 with. Soon the puppy will realize that they are to chew on the toy, not try to chase the cats.

Supervise all interactions between the cat and puppy until you are confident that they are well socialized. This may take several weeks depending on the comfort level of the cat and the size of the Architect Degree21346

Remember the younger this process starts the easier it will be. Keep in mind that some breeds are naturally Adoption Poem53934 aggressive, particularly terriers and other hunting breeds such as Akitas, Dobermans, Rottweilers and hound varieties. Some of the smaller and toy dogs are also not well suited to interacting with Hot Tub Spa Retailers In Georgia51195 so research the breed and talk to current owners and breeders before you choose.

Dogs and cats

If you are considering a mature dog from a Stanley Lexington Office Furniture110 or private home be sure to ask if they get along with cats. Most mature dogs that have been properly socialized with cats will get along with all cats after an initial get to know each other period. Often this is relatively short, Airfare Sidestep11125 only a couple of days. Some mature dogs do very will with cats in the house but will immediately chase the same cat if they are outside. Carefully monitoring the dog and cat for the first few days is key for both safety and security for the cat and dog.

If you are not sure if the dog is socialized with cats assume that they are not, especially for large breeds of dogs or hunting type dogs including terriers. Keep the dog and the cat separate and only try to introduce them if the dog is on a very short leash and you have another adult there to Horse Adoption68904 with the cat.

Often mature dogs will not interact well with cats but may develop an attitude of ignoring the cat. This may be acceptable but does not mean that the dog may not become aggressive towards the cat under certain conditions. Consider crate training or keeping your dog in a kennel or separate room when you are not able to supervise to prevent any fighting between the two species.

Most breeds of dogs do well with cats, especially when they are introduced slowly and Teeth Whitening Warwickybdqmonh a young age. Proper socialization with other species will make your dog more accepting of all sorts of animals and will minimize their aggression towards others.

Kelly Marshall is a popular contributor at - where you can find dog beds, dog steps, pet ramps, and more unique dog gear that you'll never find at your local pet store.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Forget Everything You've Been Taught About Autosurfing and STOP Flushing Your Money Down The Toilet!

I would love to slap you. Maybe you deserve it, but certainly you need it. I need to pour iced water over your head, flog you with a sausage and yell as loud as I can in your ears


Yes, you might be a little surprised. Yes you've probably not been flogged with a sausage before, and you'll probably be a bit confused as to why I've got an entire website dedicated to an industry I don't hold much faith in.I really believe that right now (October 10th 2006) the entire industry' exists because of one company alone and I'd like to use this opportunity to explain why you might have lost money on investment after investment this year.

I'm pretty much out on a limb here. Nobody else seems to share my pessimism, but then look around where are the autosurf commentators and advisors of last year? Have you received any email updates from these people telling you how much money they've lost and how they are trying to recover it? Are they still providing advice and strategies? They aren't because when the autosurf industry is strong, its actually hard to lose money. Whether you tell people to diversify, or to invest only in one company, the advice will appear to work. It's only when the industry is not going strong that people follow the old advice which once seemed to work, and effectively flush their money down the toilet.

I'm dedicating this article to the people who are scratching their head this year. The people who've consistently lost money in nearly every surf site of 2006 and wonder what is going on. We can't blame Stormpay any longer, we can't blame e-gold or SEC regulations so I'm going to tell you exactly why the odds are so hugely stacked against you this year.

1) Due Diligence DOES NOT work.

Due Diligence was the pompous buzzword of 2005. Every forum post required it to be used to assert your status as an autosurf elite. It means "do proper research about a company" before you invest.

Due Diligence makes some very dangerous assumptions

- It assumes that if you know the name and contact details of a webmaster they will never run away.

- It assumes that the webmaster is competent.

- It assumes that it is hard to falsify DD documents.

2) People are Wrongly Petrified of the Word Ponzi' Because they Associate it with 12DailyPro's Collapse.

Before 12DailyPro was around last year, people were not really concerned about how an autosurf made money. Suddenly this Ponzi word began infecting everything to do with autosurfing. People began to associate 12DailyPro with Ponzis with losing all their money. The case is MUCH more complex than that. If it were that simple then other autosurfs would have been hauled in front of the SEC too and this has not happened.

People are convincing themselves that autosurfs are trading in forex, investing in offline opportunites are living a dangerous lie. I'll leave it again until another time to explain exactly how an autosurf makes money but for now don't let autosurfs blindside you with this kind of rubbish. A company declaring links with forex traders is much more likely to be a scam than one which keeps its operations more private.

3) People Confuse Reputation With Competence.

People seem to be connecting experience in a forum with an ability to run an autosurf.

Haven't you noticed that all these new autosurfs and HYIPs are being run by people with no experience at all in running sites. Why do you believe they will learn the ropes and excel?

4) Diversification Doesn't Work if There are no Good Companies Around

There have been times this year where there has not been even one autosurf worth investing in. Often it is worth getting out of the market for a few months until something credible appears again. If we'd have all done that since January, imagine how much we might have saved.

5) People Believe That Low % Autosurf Sites Are More Stable Than High Percentage Sites

I remember last year hearing a respected autosurf commentator explaining that sites offering 1% interest per day for a year should be considered as bankers'. He was explaining that they are much more stable that high % short-term sites. How many 1% for 1 year sites do you see now? How many of them are being advertised or are attracting attention? There's about three I can think of and not one would get noticed in a forum.

6) People Still Have Blind Faith in AutoSurf Owners

I'd argue that during 2005 nearly every autosurf owner began their website with the best intentions in mind. They genuinely thought that they'd be able to pay members and keep the site running. I argue that this year the story is different. People have come to realize that when a site closes it is the owner who comes out smiling at the members expense. I believe that some companies (perhaps CompactSurf) set off with a financial target in mind. When they got a certain dollar value in their e-gold account they decided to close. It really is impossible to read the mind of the autosurf webmasters and there is nothing at all you can do about it.

7) People are Still Following Tipsters Like Sheep

Nothing makes me more angry at how irresponsible HYIP and Autosurf commentators have become. Read most of the autosurf blog sites, or read some of the emails that you get from those people and you'll recognize that there is ALWAYS one company being marketed. As I said, there can be (and there have been) times where not one HYIP or autosurf is credible. Most of the bloggers take the least-bad company and market that. As soon as it has problems they switch their downline into another company, collecting their commissions on the way.

The most common question I'm asked is "Which autosurfs should I invest in?" My standard reply is invest in the industry leader and nothing else. I'll define this industry leader later, but I'm keen to keep this article academic and don't wish to go off-track. Most people are disappointed by my reply.

They were expecting me to whisper a company name in their ear and magically unleash the next way they can make millions. I could pander to demands and reel off the company that pays me the highest referral commission but I very much want my reputation to last longer than a typical autosurf's lifespan.

To Conclude

* I hope by now you can appreciate just why you've been losing money this year and can see that autosurfing now is very different to how it used to be.

* I do not recommend many companies, simply because it is extremely difficult to predict their motives and their future.

* A wise investor will not search for opportunities which really do not exist.

* I have not yet completed an article about what new strategy you should adopt .. but it is in my to-do list. If you understand the gravity of my arguments here then this update is essential reading.

Copyright (c) 2006 Martin Pavion

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